[Gnash-commit] [bug #50393] `undefined` FSCommand parameter is not correctly passed to host container
Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-02-24 14:52:51 UTC

Summary: `undefined` FSCommand parameter is not correctly
passed to host container
Project: Gnash - The GNU Flash player
Submitted by: nachanon
Submitted on: Fri 24 Feb 2017 09:52:50 PM ICT
Category: core
Severity: 3 - Normal
Release: master
Status: None
Privacy: Public
Assigned to: None
Open/Closed: Open
Discussion Lock: Any



This is a spin-off from bug #46944 (patch #9264 comment 2

While I was writing automated tests for bug #46944, I found that Flash
Player's implementation of `MovieClip.getURL()`-based FSCommand passes the
`undefined` command parameter to host container as empty string, no matter of
SWF version running.

Gnash, on the other hand, passes it as a string "undefined"; which is

Note: This behavior might not be consistent between `MovieClip.getURL()`-based
FSCommand and normal `getURL()`-based FSCommand, so additional tests would
have to be conducted to clarify the issue (possibly with multiple version of
Flash Player).

Gnash: 0.8.11dev (git 144e082 22-Feb-2017)
Adobe Flash Player: (NPAPI binary)
Browser: Iceweasel 10.0.12 (debian)
System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Wheezy i386

P.S: Automated tests tracking this problem in `MovieClip.getURL()`-based
FSCommand are:

* hostcmd_testrunner_v*
* hostcmd_htmltest_v*.html


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-01 08:47:22 UTC
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #50393 (project gnash):

Currently, it is not very clear whether `undefined` value treatment behavior
of `MovieClip.getURL()` is specific to FSCommand usage or not.

So I conducted tests on how `undefined` and `null` and empty target parameter
are treated in normal usage of `getURL(url,target)` and
`MovieClip.getURL(url,target)` under Flash Player...

When testing Flash Player with SWF version 5:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): _The main page redirected to
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Flash Player with SWF version 6:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): _The main page redirected to
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Flash Player with SWF version 7:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): _File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame
named "undefined"._
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Flash Player with SWF version 8:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): _File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame
named "undefined"._
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

(SWF version-specific results are _italicized_)

Behavior summary:

* ActionGetURL2-based `getURL()` uses SWF's string representation of target
** This means `undefined` is equivalent to empty string under SWF6-below and
"undefined" under SWF7-above.
** When target is omitted, it works as if target is empty string.
** When target is an empty string, it works as if target is "_self"
(redirecting current frame/tab/window to the specified URL).
* MovieClip-based `getURL()` do the same things as ActionGetURL2-based one,
** *When target is `undefined`, it will work as if target is an empty string,
no matter of SWF version.*

Test files and screenshots are attached as `geturl-targettest.zip`. Testing on
older Flash Player version (e.g. Flash 8) may require JavaScript to be enabled
in the browser.

Side notes:

* If target is non-empty, but denotes an unknown HTML frame, it will work as
if the target is "_blank" (opening new tab/window).
* I haven't test the behavior of empty target V.S. "_top" target yet (when SWF
is in a child frame).
* Writing HTML-based semi-automated tests in this case, could be difficult.
(Container-emulated/shell-based one, on the other hand, is pretty simple)

Flash Player: (NPAPI)
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 11.0
System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3

(file #39861)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: geturl-targettest.zip Size:82 KB


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-03 11:04:37 UTC
Follow-up Comment #2, bug #50393 (project gnash):

However, under current Gnash...

When testing Gnash with SWF version 5:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html",null): *The main page redirected to "loaded.html".*
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): *File "loaded.html" got loaded
into a frame named "undefined".*
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Gnash with SWF version 6:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html",null): *The main page redirected to "loaded.html".*
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): *File "loaded.html" got loaded
into a frame named "undefined".*
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Gnash with SWF version 7:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): *The main page redirected to
* getURL("loaded.html",null): *The main page redirected to "loaded.html".*
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): *File "loaded.html" got loaded
into a frame named "undefined".*
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Gnash with SWF version 8:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): *The main page redirected to
* getURL("loaded.html",null): *The main page redirected to "loaded.html".*
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): *File "loaded.html" got loaded
into a frame named "undefined".*
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

(Gnash's behavior deviation from Flash Player are hilighted in bold)

Screenshots and debug logs (verbosity 2 + action error logs) are attached as

Gnash: 0.8.11dev (git 144e082 22-Feb-2017) NPAPI
Browser: Iceweasel 10.0.12 (debian)
System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Wheezy i386

(file #39883)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: geturl-targettest_gnash0.8.11dev-144e082.zip Size:51 KB


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-05 12:08:39 UTC
Follow-up Comment #3, bug #50393 (project gnash):

Patch included for both FSCommand and normal getURL usage: see patch #9279.

Gnash: 0.8.11dev (patched against git 144e082 22-Feb-2017)
Adobe Flash Player: (NPAPI binary)
Browser: Iceweasel 10.0.12 (debian)
System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Wheezy i386


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Sandro Santilli
2017-03-07 13:33:11 UTC
Update of bug #50393 (project gnash):

Status: None => Ready For Test
Assigned to: None => strk


Follow-up Comment #4:

All patches in patch #9279 were applied, please do final testing to close this


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-11 03:05:03 UTC
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #50393 (project gnash):

Current git version of Gnash is now running all HTML files in
`geturl-targettest.zip` with result identical to Flash Player. *This bug could
now be marked as fixed.*

Testsuite runs of current version are summarized as follows...

* Gnash, out of the box:
** hostcmd_testrunner_v5: 34 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_testrunner_v6: 34 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_testrunner_v7: 34 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_testrunner_v8: 34 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v5.html: 93 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v6.html: 93 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v7.html: 93 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v8.html: 93 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v4: 3 PASSED, 3 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v5: 10 PASSED, 10 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v6: 10 PASSED, 10 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v7: 10 PASSED, 10 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v8: 10 PASSED, 10 total
* Gnash, with _fix part_ of commit 836df7f
and 5dcfebd
** hostcmd_testrunner_v5: 32 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 2 FAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_testrunner_v6: 32 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 2 FAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_testrunner_v7: 31 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 3 FAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_testrunner_v8: 31 PASSED, 2 XFAILED, 3 FAILED, 36 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v5.html: 91 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 2 FAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v6.html: 91 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 2 FAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v7.html: 90 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 3 FAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v8.html: 90 PASSED, 3 XFAILED, 3 FAILED, 96 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v4: 3 PASSED, 3 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v5: 8 PASSED, 2 FAILED, 10 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v6: 8 PASSED, 2 FAILED, 10 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v7: 7 PASSED, 3 FAILED, 10 total
** hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v8: 7 PASSED, 3 FAILED, 10 total
* Flash Player:
** hostcmd_htmltest_v5.html: 93 PASSED, 7 XPASSED, 100 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v6.html: 93 PASSED, 7 XPASSED, 100 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v7.html: 93 PASSED, 7 XPASSED, 100 total
** hostcmd_htmltest_v8.html: 93 PASSED, 7 XPASSED, 100 total

(These figures treat "There should be NN tests run" the same as other checks)

Gnash: 0.8.11dev (git 8a11e60 8-Mar-2017)
Flash Player: (NPAPI binary)
Browser: Iceweasel 10.0.12 (debian)
System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Wheezy i386


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Sandro Santilli
2017-03-11 09:10:04 UTC
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #50393 (project gnash):

Sorry I'm confused. You say that Gnash runs HTML files with *identical* result
to the Flash Player but then in your report I see different numbers, what's
the deal ? Are you only reporting previous runs and not including current run


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-11 14:08:10 UTC
Follow-up Comment #7, bug #50393 (project gnash):

Well, in comment 5 <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?50393#comment5>, I ran two
kinds of tests on both players:

* Manual tests, a.k.a. `geturl-targettest.zip`.
* Automated tests, a.k.a. `hostcmd_testrunner_v*`, `hostcmd_htmltest_v*.html`
and `hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v*`.

The first paragraph in comment 5 describes result from manual tests
(_...running all HTML files *in `geturl-targettest.zip`* with identical
result..._): which Gnash, of course, yield result identical to Flash Player.

Full manual test results (originally omitted from comment 5) are as

When testing Gnash with SWF version 5:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Gnash with SWF version 6:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Gnash with SWF version 7:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame
named "undefined".
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

When testing Gnash with SWF version 8:

* getURL("loaded.html",undefined): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame
named "undefined".
* getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a frame named
* getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",undefined): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",null): File "loaded.html" got loaded into a
frame named "null".
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html",""): The main page redirected to
* MovieClip.getURL("loaded.html"): The main page redirected to "loaded.html".

(You would see that result is the same as one from Flash Player

Note: The reason I used these manual tests, is to double-check
`hostcmd-geturl_testrunner_v*`'s behavior, as it does not have a
semi-automatic HTML counterpart

Hope this clear things up.

Gnash: 0.8.11dev (git 8a11e60 8-Mar-2017)
Flash Player: (NPAPI binary)
Browser: Iceweasel 10.0.12 (debian)
System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Wheezy i386


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-11 14:09:56 UTC
Follow-up Comment #8, bug #50393 (project gnash):

For the second part of comment 5
<https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?50393#comment5>, it describes automated tests
result obtained from Gnash testsuite (_*Testsuite runs* of current

According to this result, Gnash exhibit the same XFAILEDs+missing checks
<https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?46944#comment3> as ones noted in bug #46944;
which I haven't open a dedicated bug entry for it yet.

Gnash: 0.8.11dev (git 8a11e60 8-Mar-2017)
Flash Player: (NPAPI binary)
Browser: Iceweasel 10.0.12 (debian)
System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Wheezy i386


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-11 14:48:11 UTC
Follow-up Comment #9, bug #50393 (project gnash):

Clarification of comment 8 <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?50393#comment8>
regarding XFAILED tests, which I misphrased- they are not really identical:

There are two categories of XFAILED at the end of bug #46944:

* XFAILED caused by `undefined` target and `MovieClip.getURL()`.
** 1 XFAILED per SWF version in emulated container mode.
** 1 XFAILED per SWF version in HTML mode.
* XFAILED caused by "<>" handling in libgnashplugin-Gnash communication.
** 1 XFAILED per SWF version in emulated container mode.
** 2 XFAILED and 2 missed tests per SWF version in HTML mode.

The first category is completely fixed by patch #9279 of this bug.

The second category, however, changed into...

* XFAILED caused by "<>" handling in libgnashplugin-Gnash communication.
** 2 XFAILED per SWF version in emulated container mode: 1 more XFAILED
due to plain `getURL()` being added to the test.
** 3 XFAILED and 4 missed test per SWF version in HTML mode: 1 more XFAILED
and 2 more
tests, due to plain `getURL()` being added to the test.

These are the remaining XFAILED in the related automated tests, which are due
to different problem (which didn't have a dedicated bug entry yet).


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Sandro Santilli
2017-03-11 15:56:25 UTC
Update of bug #50393 (project gnash):

Status: Ready For Test => Fixed
Open/Closed: Open => Closed


Follow-up Comment #10:

Ok, thanks for clarification. Closing this then and looking forward to your
next ticket / patch :)


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Nutchanon Wetchasit
2017-03-30 07:59:11 UTC
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #50393 (project gnash):

The issue of "<>" string handling in libgnashplugin-Gnash communication is now
tracked separately as bug #50677.


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